The first encounter

The evening sky painted hues of orange and pink over the sprawling city as Aarav Kapoor’s car pulled up to the grand entrance of the Saxena estate. He stepped out, straightening his tailored suit jacket, his expression as sharp and unreadable as ever. Tonight was supposed to be just another routine business dinner with an old friend, a chance to catch up and discuss potential partnerships. Little did he know, this night would mark the beginning of an obsession he couldn’t control.

Aarav had known Raj Saxena for years; their bond was forged through years of friendship, trust, and mutual respect. Raj was one of the few people Aarav considered a friend rather than an acquaintance, someone who knew the man behind the stern CEO facade. When Raj invited him over for dinner to meet his family and discuss business, Aarav had accepted without hesitation. It was a rare opportunity to unwind in good company.

As Aarav walked through the ornate doors of the Saxena mansion, he was greeted by Raj’s booming voice.

“Aarav! My friend!” Raj called out, arms open wide as he approached for a warm hug. Aarav allowed himself a rare smile, returning the embrace.

“It’s been too long, Raj,” Aarav replied, his voice deep and smooth. “Thank you for having me.”

“Always a pleasure,” Raj said, clapping him on the back. “Come, let’s head to the dining room. My daughter should be joining us any moment now.”

The mention of Raj’s daughter barely registered in Aarav’s mind. He had heard about her in passing—Ananya, a quiet girl who was studying overseas, if he recalled correctly. Aarav had never met her in person and didn’t think much of it. His focus was on the business conversation ahead.

As they entered the elegantly decorated dining room, the aroma of delicious home-cooked food filled the air. Raj’s wife greeted Aarav warmly before excusing herself to check on the final preparations in the kitchen. Aarav took a seat, his eyes scanning the room, noting the tasteful décor, the family photos adorning the walls, and the overall warmth of the space—a stark contrast to the cold, modern aesthetic of his own home.

“Ananya should be down any moment,” Raj said, glancing toward the staircase. “She’s just back from her studies abroad, and I thought it was high time you two finally met.”

Before Aarav could respond, he heard the soft sound of footsteps descending the staircase. He looked up, and time seemed to slow.

There she was.


Aarav had imagined what Raj’s daughter might look like—a typical young woman, perhaps confident and sociable like her father. But the vision before him was nothing like he had expected.

Ananya was petite, with long, dark hair cascading down her back in soft waves. Her skin was a delicate shade of olive, and her eyes—large, almond-shaped, and framed by thick lashes—were a striking hazel. She wore a simple, elegant dress that complemented her slender figure, and though her beauty was undeniable, it was her demeanor that caught Aarav off guard.

She moved with a quiet grace, her gaze shyly cast downward as she approached the dining table. There was a timidity in her posture, a gentle modesty that set her apart from the women Aarav was used to. As she neared, her eyes finally lifted, and for a brief moment, they locked with his.

Aarav felt a jolt, as if the air had been knocked out of him. Her eyes—filled with a soft, almost hesitant curiosity—seemed to look right through the carefully constructed walls he had built around himself over the years. He had never believed in love at first sight, dismissing it as a foolish notion, but in that moment, something shifted deep within him.

Ananya reached the table, and Raj introduced her with pride. “Aarav, this is my daughter, Ananya. Ananya, meet Aarav Kapoor, one of my dearest friends.”

Ananya offered a polite smile, her voice barely above a whisper as she greeted him. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kapoor.”

To be continue ...

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